Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Intimate Details

As I'm typing this, I could be being hacked in right now. That's what this W5 special is about. How weak is our internet security.
W5 says that on a wireless network such as at school, or a coffee place, someone at the table beside you can be monitoring your every action.
A scary thought, and a great awareness piece to all of us. However, they never mention how you can avoid it. They say that it was only wireless networks where we are hacked into. Is it safer to do it the old way where we just hooked up a wire to our laptops?
If anything, this awareness piece doesn't make me scared as much as I am intrigued. As W5 had professional hacker demonstrate how easy it is, I feel like "what's stopping me to do the same thing?"
On the technical side, this piece is different than the previous W5 submissions I've posted. This was more experimental and was happening live. Many of the people Paula Todd interviewed were not people who told a story about what happened to them months, weeks or days ago. Because of this, very little reinactment piece were used, if not any.
As for storywise, personally, I don't think this piece is complete.

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